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Ouvert de Lundi à vendredi
 7.30 - 15h 30 mn
  • Phone: + 237 222 2 46 01
  • .

all your documents usefulimportantare here

  1. Administrative Statement Giving the Family situation
  2. Sworn Statement of Unemployment
  3. Sworn Statement for no Remarriage
  4. Sworn Statement for Child Custody
  5. Sworn Statement for non Collection  of Family Allowance from another scheme
  6. Notice of engagement of a salaried worker/ Notice of cessation of employment of a salaried worker
  7. Attendance sheet
  8. Industrial accident Medical Certificate -Initial - prolongation
  9. Medical Certificate of Occupational Disease CIPRES
  10. Medical Certificate of Occupational Disease CIPRES
  11. Final Medical Certificate of Occupational Disease CIPRES
  12. Certificate of Delivery Under Medical Supervision
  13. Certificate of Medical Expenses for the First Prenatal Examination
  14. Certificate of Medical Expenses for the Second Prenatal Examination
  15. Industrial Accident Final Descriptive Certificate
  16. Spouse(s) of the Voluntarily Insuredperson
  17. Application for Reimbursement
  18. Application to Add a Child in the Family Cluster
  19. Application for Family benefits
  20. Application for Pension (main Insured person or survivor)
  21. Application for the Registration/Affiliation to Voluntary Insurance
  22. Application to Register an Employer
  23. Sworn Statement (Insured person not holder of a Birth Certificate)
  24. Sworn Statement (childcare)
  25. Sworn Statement
  26. Statement of Testimony
  27. Application for Family allowance
  28. Industrial Accident Declaration Form CIPRES
  29. Occupational Disease Declaration Form CIPRES
  30. Application for pension
  31. Application for the Registration of an Insured person
  32. Application for the Registration-Affiliation of a Voluntary Insurance
  33. Document of Information of a Voluntarily Insured person (DIAV)
  34. List of Spouses of the Voluntarily Insured person
  35. List of children of the Voluntarily Insured person
  36. List of Documents required for the Application for Family Benefits
  37. Presentation of DIPE