How to contact the NSIF?
Are the services provided the same in all the Social Insurance Centres?
How long does it take to process a file?
What should I do if I am not satisfied with your services?
What to do if the online-declaration does not work on the last day for payment?
Who can apply for Voluntary Insurance?
Who is entitled to a survivor's pension?
What does registration exactly refer to?
What are the documents that make up a registration file of a worker at the NSIF?
What to do if an employer refuses to register his/her employees?
How can I verify that my employer has registered me and regularly pay my Social Contributions?
Does the application for registration have to be signed by the employer?
Can the same insured number be used for several employers in the event that the employee changes the place of work?
Can an insured switch from Compulsory to Voluntary Insurance with the same insured number?
Can I register from the website of the NSIF?
What are the advantages of online registration (pre-registration)?
What is the required declaration method?
Les textes en vigueur précisent que c’est l’organisme de Prévoyance Sociale qui arrête la forme des déclarations. En l’espèce, le mode de déclaration arrêté par la CNPS est la télédéclaration.
How does online declaration function?
How does the employer ensure that his/her online declaration has been successful?
What is the purpose of the online declaration receipt?
Is the employer still obliged to go to the Taxation Office to declare his/her staff, their wages and salaries?
In this case, who delivers the issue certificate previously issued by the tax authorities?
What to do when there are any difficulties while declaring online?
Can an employee be declared by several employers?
How long will the processing of my registration file last upon submission?
Le délai de traitement d’un dossier d’immatriculation déposé complet à la CNPS est de 15 minutes cf. note de service n° 067 du 20 avril 2016.
What benefits does a worker have in registering?
Can I check my Individual Insured Account?
What is the procedure for online registration (pre-registration)?
What categories of clients can register with the NSIF?
If I lose my job under the age of 60, can I request reimbursement of the social contributions paid to the NSIF?
If a worker stops working, what should the employer do?
What is the deadline for declaring a cessation of activity to the NSIF?
Is registration compulsory?
Which socio-professional categories are eligible for Voluntary Insurance?
What are the main innovations related to the new Decree No.2016/072 of 15 February 2016 of the President of the Republic?
What are Family Benefits?
C’est l’ensemble des prestations sociales attribuées aux personnes protégées par la législation sociale pour couvrir les risques ou évènements suivants :
- La grossesse ou la maternité de la femme salariée ou de l’épouse non salariée d’un allocataire ;
- Les soins médicaux à l’occasion des examens prénataux, d’accouchement ou du nourrisson de 06 mois ;
- La perte de salaire de la femme salariée en congé de maternité ;
- Les charges familiales du travailleur en ce qui concerne le logement, la nutrition et l’éducation de chacun de ses enfants à charge.
- La grossesse ou la maternité de la femme salariée ou de l’épouse non salariée d’un allocataire ;
- Les soins médicaux à l’occasion des examens prénataux, d’accouchement ou du nourrisson de 06 mois ;
- La perte de salaire de la femme salariée en congé de maternité ;
- Les charges familiales du travailleur en ce qui concerne le logement, la nutrition et l’éducation de chacun de ses enfants à charge.
What is the minimum working time to receive these benefits?
I am a salaried worker, I am not married, but I had 02 children with 02 different women, what should I do to get my children's benefits?
I am an employee, hired in a one of the pharmacies in town 4 months ago, what should I do to benefit from my maternity leave?
I have 6 children; only 4 receive Family Allowances; what shall I do to get Family Allowances for the other 2?