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Les clés de notre succès "une vision managériale"

La réorganisation de l’organisme, la mise en œuvre des plans
stratégiques avec en toile de mire, l’amélioration de la qualité de service
la modernisation et la pérennisation de la CNPS»


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The keys to our success "a managerial vision "

" Reorganising the institution, implementing strategic plans while focusing
on improving the quality of service, the modernisation as well as
the sustainability of the NSIF "


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Nos principales missions

- Les Prestations familiales,
- Les Pensions vieillesse, d'invalidité et de décès ,
- Les Risques professionnels


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- Family benefits;
- Old age, disability and death pensions;
- Occupational hazards.


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Risques professionnels

Accompagnement de proximité des entreprises
"Il ne suffit pas de réparer lorsque l’accident est survenu ou la maladie.
Il s’agit surtout de prévenir”
. La CNPS prévient et rassure!


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Occupational hazards

Local support for companies
" The most important thing is not to repair the damage caused by an
accident or illness It is above all a matter of prevention".
The NSIF warns and reassures!


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Prestations familiales

Pour en profiter immatriculez vous!
Allocations (prénatales, maternité et familiales)
Frais médicaux (de grossesse, indemnité journalière)


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Family benefits

To benefit from them, register!
Allowances (prenatal, maternity and family allowances)
Medical expenses (pregnancy, daily allowance)


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Pensions vieillesse, d'invalidité et de décès

Nous couvrons les pensions de :
(vieillesse, vieillesse anticipée, invalidité,de survivants)
les allocations de ( vieillesse et de survivants)


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Old-age, disability and death pensions

We cover pensions for:
(old-age, early old-age, disability, survivors' pensions)
(old-age and survivors') allowances


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Assurez votre retraite
Devenez les assurés de la CNPS

Vous êtes, commerçants, mototaximen, artistes,
médecins,fiscalistes, sportifs, artisans......etc)


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Please register now !
Insure your pension
Become insured by the NSIF

If you are a trader, mototaximen, artist,
doctors, tax specialists, sportsmen, craftsmen, etc.)


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21th October
Active employers
active insured
voluntary insured

CPS at your service

Social Insurance Centres at your service
We established an excellent performance in the social security sector, by improving the quality of service, strict standards, discipline and the upgrading of the teams involved in all the fields of activity. There are 39 Social Insurance Centres over the 10 regions of Cameroon and they are in charge of managing your benefits.

Online services

at the NSIF voluntary insurance is a reality

Survey & figures



Please find contact details below and contact us today!
Phone:   (+237) 2 22 22 46 01
Email: .
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Callback request

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Our partners