Informal sector Yaounde: The new chief of Centre (CC) takes office
Véronique Nnomo took office on the morning of the 7th of August 2024 during a short ceremony presided over by the Regional Director for the Centre, South and East (DRCSE), Christian Sibe A Rim.
It was 11 a.m. on the 2nd floor of the NSIF building on Avenue Kennedy, in the conference room of the Social Insurance Centre for the Informal Sector Yaounde (CPSSIY), when the handover ceremony began.
The protocol order featured the DRCSE with Véronique Nnomo, the incoming chief of Centre, on his left, Aïchatou Nasser, the outgoing chief of Centre, on his right, and the DRCSE's research officers and all the CPSSIY staff opposite.
After the customary courtesies, the signing of initials and the handing over of the service, the Regional Director reminded the new chief of the need to improve the results of voluntary insurance, while congratulating her predecessor on the strategies developed and the results achieved.
In his speech to the Centre's staff, the Regional Director invited them to give their full support and experience to the new CC, who, after a rich career as an executive of social benefits and recovery of social contributions, held the positions of CC of the CPS Nanga Eboko, Dschang and Mbalmayo over the last ten years.
It was also an opportunity to remind people, as well as workers in the informal and self-employed sectors, that the CPSSIY is there to help them with old-age, disability and death pensions, and has been since 2014. It's a challenge that Véronique Nnomo intends to meet with flying colours. Good luck with this new professional adventure!